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Return Policy
Return Policy
If the size is small for you , or when you received your jersey, you find you don't like it and so on, these problem we don't accept .So hope you can understand us.
If the product's quality is no problem, we can't to accept the return it.If there's a few problems of goods (for example, the stain or the line did not cut off clearly), we hope you can wash it or clean it,then we will give our guest appropriate compensation.
Returns must be in original condition, unworn/unused with original tags and labels.
Your return item(s) will be inspected upon arrival before your refund is processed. Once we receive the returned merchandise, we will credit your account within 10 business days.Original shipping charges are not included in the refunded price.
Please Note:
Customized items are final sale and cannot be returned.
If the size is small for you , or when you received your jersey, you find you don't like it and so on, these problem we don't accept .So hope you can understand us.
If the product's quality is no problem, we can't to accept the return it.If there's a few problems of goods (for example, the stain or the line did not cut off clearly), we hope you can wash it or clean it,then we will give our guest appropriate compensation.
Returns must be in original condition, unworn/unused with original tags and labels.
Your return item(s) will be inspected upon arrival before your refund is processed. Once we receive the returned merchandise, we will credit your account within 10 business days.Original shipping charges are not included in the refunded price.
Please Note:
Customized items are final sale and cannot be returned.
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